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Keep Pushing or Stay in Misery

Community Topic Thread

This morning I was hit with a minor set back in my life. I had awaken with a positive attitude about life and my plans to accomplish the many personal goals that I have made for myself.

Of course life is a roller coaster; it takes you high for few seconds and then bring you down a moment later. Many of you know what I mean by this, many of you have had a pocket full of money only to have someone rob you and then you kill the person that robbed you and because we live in a land of stupid laws, the police send you to jail for defending what belongs to you. It’s crazy isn’t it, that a person who makes a career from robbing and harming others would commit a crime and get out of jail the next day. However, soon as an honest working man defends his property from being stolen by the career thief; it is the honest working man that would go to prison for life, that is not right when the honest working man should be labeled a hero and not a state prison number. Anyway, that is enough of our brain damage politics for today, that is not why I am here.

The reason I am here is because of the roller coaster, It’s very funny isn’t it, how many times did it bring a person in your life that you thought was a trusting friend, and turned out to be deceiver. Many of you women has had an honest and trustworthy friend that has stolen money from your bank account, that is what happen to Jessie, who has a friend name Sarah. Sarah would steel money from Jessie, then she would play the victim card once she was confronted. She would say thing’s like: remember that time, I bought you those pair of shoe’s when you did not have any money? It always amazes me that whenever a person would buy a woman some knock off brand shoes for twenty one dollars and two cents, that they would feel self entitled to take seven-hundred dollars and seventy-nine cents from her bank account without her permission. Of course since Jessie is such a good friend, she forgave Sarah and ask her not to do it again, and because Sarah is honest and trustworthy, the next day she slept with Jessie’s boyfriend. But anyway, I am not here to talk about how Jessie met both her boyfriend and bestfriend at the local crack house and then was surprised when they scammed her for money to buy crack, that is not why I am here.

I am here to talk about the roller coaster, you know what I mean by, when you worked for ten years strait; no days off to save money so you could make that investment that you have been plotting on. Then suddenly you find out that you owe money to the government. It always amazes me how our country gives us the false hope of ‘Work hard and save money and you will have the American dream’ only so the government can then rob you of your entire savings as soon you thought you was about to live the American Dream. But anyway, I am not here to talk about how the government tricks men and women into working themselves into an early grave.

I am here to talk about the roller coaster, it’s fun, it’s scary and it’s dangerous. Sure I got up this morning feeling good, only to have that same day ruined by a phone call that that ensured me that I was trick into the false hope of the American Dream. After crying to myself for two hours, I came to the conclusion that I was not going let this minor set back leave me in ruined. I am taking control of my life and I will be happy, one day I hope so. And the same can be said about everyone else. Sure, Jessie was in a bad relationship with a crack head, but she has moved on to another guy; her new boyfriend is a ex-inmate that served time in prison for triple murder, you see life is gonna be OK for her, I’m sure it will be or maybe it want be since her new boyfriend recently admitted, that he would love to go back to prison. You see life is funny like that, the one’s who desire freedom is continued be scammed by friends, robbed by the government and place in jail for protecting what belongs to them. Meanwhile, the ones who desire a life behind bars, are never punish for the things they enjoy doing. Life is funny like that isn’t it.

Anyway that is all I have to say. What do think about the roller coaster?

Has life been good for you? Are you grateful no matter what life throws at you?

How do feel when good people go to jail and evil people are never punish for their crimes?

Leave a comment let me know how you feel about life.

Thank You

One response to “Keep Pushing or Stay in Misery”

  1. Life has its ups and downs you just have to learn how to cope with different experiences. You also have to take it one day at a time,no overthinking,no regrets, and live life to fullest…. it’s life it’s not going to be perfect right.