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A Hate For The Cross

Community Topic Thread

For this topic we will seek to find answers as to why the Christian Faith has come to be despised by main screen media and everyday people that seem to have a great distain towards the Christian faith.

Though I myself has never proclaim to be a true stand up Christian man, I never look down upon Christianity and neither have I ever look down upon other religious groups.

I have always kept and open mind when it comes to others beliefs and has had many conversation with both believers and non believers of the Christian Faith; Many of these conversation concerning The Holy Bible. Though I myself may not know every Bible verse I have enjoyed reading many great Bible stories. So many times people who despised The Bible has tried to convince me to not to read it and say those stories are not real. Some people may get offended when I say this but part of me never cared if some of it is real or not real, the Bible is filled with so many life lessons that has me help me and many others do so much good in our lives. So for me personally it is a great book for guidance in my personal life, it can be a great guidance for anyone if they give it a chance.

I understand that it may not be for everyone and I personally do not have an issue with what any person may read or believe in for spiritual guidance as long as they are not causing harm to others.

So why has our western society continued to remind us to be respectful of others beliefs and religion while at the same time promoting the constant insults of Christian Faith, I know that many who proclaimed to be of the faith has been proving to be false prophets so in no way am I saying that everything is perfect. I just want an better understanding as to why it seems to be so much hate towards Christian Faith and not so much towards other groups of faith and religion.

So what do you think about this? Why is The Christian Faith hated so much? If you hate the Christian Faith, can you explain why.

We are here to have an honest conversation about society. Please type your honest opinions and please be respectful of others who’s views may differ from yours, You can disagree with another and explain why you see things differently without name calling or insults. Thank You Leave Comments and Opinions below.

5 responses to “A Hate For The Cross”

  1. I am open minded about all religions. I just have a problem with someone forcing there religion on me. Also there’s a problem when they speak there religion is right and mind is wrong.I also don’t understand why Christianity is look down upon…. I suppose hypocrites,also a thing called church hurt…. I mean there’s so many reasons.

  2. I think people look at it, as if you have faith as being a Christian, when you see demons taking over others, you they could cash the demon out of the body can they ?? I believe they can yes ,if you have the faith of Christ, but also the body that the demon have taken over ,,have to won’t out of the human if the sold fis not going and the light is no longer shining inside that takes fasting and praying now in days Christianity not going down on their knees for others now and days Christian not even sharing what the Lord need them to share with others, most Christians that pray all the time is hypocrites some preach the word do not feed the soul. because they use it as business. That’s another reason why too.. it’s so many reasons but I’m not going to be long..

    • the point you made at the end got me thinking
      Is it because the so many Christian people are not living up to the standard of the Christian faith
      has that resulted to distain for the religion?

  3. I think it’s hard for some to believe in something that they can’t see. Also, most only call on God or a higher power when things aren’t going good in life and that creates a one sided relationship. You must believe in what you’re praying for and wait on Gods response. This world needs Jesus and my prayer is that everyone reading this will form a bond with God.

    • I agree that everyone should have a personal bond with God
      I also agree that you should call on higher power at all times of your life